Tuesday 23 November 2021

100 Days of Lockdown

 Greetings everyone!  It's been a while!  Since we have been in a covid induced lockdown for 100 days now there just hasn't been much to blog about.  I live in Auckland which has had, and continues to have, the most severe lockdown of anywhere in New Zealand.   Throughout this lockdown we have not been permitted to go beyond Auckland city limits making us virtual prisoners in our city.  It hasn't been easy for a lot of people, however I'm of a generally optimistic outlook so in this blog I have decided to focus mainly on the positives of a lockdown. Apologies for repeating some of what I have written in a previous blog, I guess that just shows how uneventful life has been here! -)

Hmmm!  Will it be pasta or rice for dinner tonight.

As I mentioned in a previous post I decided to live off what I had stored in my freezer, fridge and pantry.  Amazingly I got through 12 weeks without going to a supermarket or having any food delivered although my daughter in law kept me in fresh fruit and vegetables.  I enjoyed the challenge and when things get back to normal I will replenish my stocks.  I did get a bit tired of rice and pasta dishes though, and I have to admit,  it surprised me how much food I had stored.

Having lived alone for a number of years was an advantage because  I am used to my own company.  Nevertheless I did miss my friends and my coffee catch ups. This is where the wonderful world of technology came in and regular zoom sessions with my book club and various friends and family were a welcome change from talking to myself out of sheer boredom.

I  enjoyed much more time in my garden.  I started growing vegetables from seeds I had stored and I pruned, and weeded and trimmed edges to my heart's delight. It was a calming, satisfying occupation.  With almost no aeroplanes in the sky the garden was a very peaceful place to be.

Taking  on the role of teacher to my 6 and 9 year old grandchildren four days a week was rewarding, fun and challenging.  I learnt a lot and I think they did too, at least I hope they did!  There is nothing like one on one attention. Now they are happily back at school but only on alternate days so my teaching duties have been halved.
  Hard at work at the
school of Grandma

I learnt that as the lockdown went on and on, with no end in sight, a lethargy took hold and I got lazier and lazier - "there's always tomorrow" - I thought.  No house painting this time just the  occasional small tasks, like tidying up my spices, or spring cleaning a room and then only when I felt the urge to do something.

There was more time for reading and I even reread some of my favourites.  Jigsaws?  Well there's only so many you can do, isn't there?

I am not particularly fond of shopping so didn't miss it at all.  Even now that things are slowly opening up and we can go to shops I can't be bothered. I do, however, make a point of buying take away coffee when I'm out walking, mainly to support businesses which are struggling through this difficult time.

I have discovered new places to walk close to home, that's been fun. And I always feel blessed to live in such a lovely area.

The pleasure of taking time to watch the sea and sky

I did miss going to the ballet, plays and the cinema.  I look forward to when they will reopen to audiences again.

I have family in London.  I haven't seen my grandchildren in two and a half years.  It's sad, they are growing up fast. It will be a joyous day when I do get to see them again.

Finally, there is no joy in being imprisoned in your own city.  Even if you are free to travel but don't go anywhere it is just good to know that you can if you want to.  Meanwhile I am trying to make the most of a quieter life and to be honest I'm quite enjoying the slower pace. Nevertheless, let's hope that freedom day is not far away and that this nasty covid decides to disappear as quickly as it arrived. Then I will, hopefully, be able to travel again and start writing things that are a bit more interesting.

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