Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Missmoo's Kitchen - The sweetest Little Coffeehouse in Auckland

There is nothing more nostalgic than the sight and smell of Grandma's baking and this is what Tracy Mulholland has perfectly replicated in Missmoo's Kitchen, her pretty coffeehouse in St Heliers, Auckland.

Tracy Mulholland aka Missmoo
Having had a successful 27 year career in banking Tracy decided it was time to follow her dream and open a coffeehouse.   Happy childhood memories of both her Nan's and her mother's baking was her inspiration and her plan was to bring back food 'how it used to be'.   She also had a vision of how the coffeehouse would look.  It was to have both a contemporary and a nostalgic feel. It was important to Tracy to have Royal Albert china as a reminder of her beloved Nan so she spent a few years collecting enough to stock the shop.  She told me that when customers walk in they are delighted to see the beautiful china lined up on shelves behind the counter and are eager to share their own memories of Royal Albert.  The china is a real draw card.

Beautiful china and old fashioned delights
 The second part of her vision was a large gilded mirror and, thirdly,  a glamorous toilet because experience had taught her most cafes toilets are not. Her vision has come together beautifully and, yes, the toilet is lovely, well worth a visit! There is also a good sized out door seating area surrounded by a white picket fence.  The cafe is on a quiet street, has a view over the surrounding suburb and a big plus is the ample free parking outside.

Glamour in the toilet and outdoor seating

Her mother's recipe book
All cooking and food preparation is done on site at Missmoo's with delicious offerings of delicate club sandwiches, the lightest of asparagus rolls, old fashioned savories, South Island cheese rolls, tasty pies and, of course, fresh from the oven, scones. The cakes and sweets are particularly tempting.  Who can go past a slice of fresh baked ginger crunch, an afghan, a coconut ice slice and many other treats?  For children there are the party favourites, chocolate crackles, rice bubble slice and  fairy bread to accompany their fluffy or hot chocolate. Glass jars on the counter offer, fudges and coconut ice. Tracy and her team bake the recipes from her mother's well thumbed, hand written, recipe book and the ever popular Edmonds Cookbook. There is not an over stuffed panini or hard to handle baguette in sight.

Brought up as the daughter of the publicans of Lake Ianthe Tavern in Westland, New Zealand, hospitality, cooking and baking for customers is in Tracy's blood.  She recalls that as a child she helped in the kitchen and by the time she was 9 she could change kegs on her own. She has always enjoyed both baking and sharing her baking with other people so this cafe is the culmination of what she calls 'following her heart'.  Tracy's fiance, Mark, and Mark's sister, Andrea, together with barista, Hollie, assist Tracy making it a very personal family business, even Tracy and Mark's 8 year old daughter, Georgia, is a dab hand at making the odd coffee and quick as lightning on the till.

Missmoo and her crew, Andrea, Hollie and daughter, Georgia

If you are wondering where the name Missmoo's Kitchen comes from it is from Tracy's surname Mulholland which was shortened to Mu as part of her ID in banking.  Before long everyone was calling her Miss Mu or Missmoo. Kitchen because it features good old fashioned baking from its very own kitchen.

I love this little coffee house and have been there many times, which is why I was inspired to write this post.  I love the whole package, the ambiance, the food, the friendliness of the staff, the convenient location.  I suggest you go and see for yourself.

Facebook:                Missmoo's Kitchen
Instagram:              missmooskitchen

Location:                   : 50 Waimarie Street St Heliers
Opening hours are   : 7am to 3.30pm Week days  
                                     8am to 2.30pm Weekends
Coffee Brand            : Allpress
Teas                           : Noble and Savage - a large range including herbals   


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