The beauty of going on a road trip, with no set plans, is that you can wake up in the morning and decide to go wherever takes your fancy. Doing it solo is no great hard ship, the downside is there is no one to share it with, the upside is the delicious feeling of freedom that comes with having no one else to consider.
The mighty kauri tree |
Bright and early in the morning I was back on the road again and this time heading to Trounson Kauri Park, 38ks north of Dargaville. The kauri tree is a remarkable New Zealand native hardwood which can live for thousands of years. They are precious to New Zealanders and although there were once a great many across the country, clearing of the land by settlers in the early days meant that there are few remaining now and those that do remain are mainly in bush reserves. Like the Californian redwood they are an awe inspiring tree. The most famous kauri in New Zealand is called Tane Mahuta it is located further north in the Waipoua Forest and is estimated to be between 1250 and 2500 years old. It is stunningly impressive with a girth of 15.44 metres and a height of 45 metres (148 feet) Sadly many kauri are being attacked by a bacterial disease so preservation of them is more important than ever. At the entrance to Trounson Kauri Park there is a shoe washing station to ensure no spread of disease and then once into the park there is an elevated boardwalk which takes you on a 1.7k walk through idyllic native bush and past magnificent kauri trees. The boardwalk is in place to ensure the tree roots are not damaged or infected. I love being in New Zealand bush and must have looked a bit idiotic strolling through with a grin on my face enjoying the silence save for the calls of native birds, the sound of trickling streams and dappled by the sunlight shafting down through the trees and feathery ferns.
Trounson Kauri of my happy places |
Unless you take a guided night tour through the park you are unlikely to see any of the 200 kiwi which make their home there. I remember, years ago, a famous New Zealand pilot saying that being in a forest of tall trees was like being in a cathedral. I agree, I always have the same feeling of awe and admiration for their splendour. Going into an isolated forest park alone was probably not the wisest of decisions but there were no cars in the car park so I took the risk that it was unlikely I would meet anyone with ill intent and I also kept a watchful eye out. Fortunately, once again, there was not a soul around.
A spooky looking swamp near the Kai Iwi Lakes...I expected a monster to rise up! |
Back in the car and off to my next destination, the Kai Iwi Lakes, 35ks from Dargaville and another new destination for me. The 3 lakes are famous for their crystal clear fresh water and their pure white sands and they are stunning. Long a popular camping holiday spot for New Zealand families the lakes are isolated and the perfect place for a get-away-from-it-all holiday where you can enjoy all types of water sports. I drove around the lakes, stopping at various spots to admire the view and take photos The only people I saw were a young couple in a camper van who were leaving just as I arrived. Coming from New Zealand's largest city it had been really refreshing to visit so many places and have them all to myself.
Kai Iwi Lakes |
It was overcast and breezy but beautiful all the same |
Golden kauri gum with a centipede encased in it |
Left: This kauri was germinated in the year 1100, Maori arrived in New Zealand in 1200, Abel Tasman discovered New Zealand in 1642. The tree was cut down in 1960
Day three of my road trip completed so next morning it was time to head back home to Auckland but first I had to complete my plan and visit the Kauri Museum at Matakohe on the way. I had heard this was a great museum and it certainly is, a couple of hours there just flew by. The museum, as its name suggests, is mainly focused on the kauri tree, its milling, its uses and the collection of kauri gum which was a vital ingredient in the preparation of varnish and linoleum in years gone by. There is also a focus on the social history of the area, the lives of the gum diggers and tree fellers and an impressive replica of a saw mill. The museum displays the world's largest collection of kauri gum, a glorious honey coloured amber like substance, and some very fine examples of kauri furniture. You can also wander through a full sized, two storied boarding house built from kauri. I was so pleased I had finally got there, it was well worth the trip.
The replica saw mill at the Kauri Museum, Matakohe |
The trip back to Auckland was through steady drizzle. The bad weather had waited until my trip was nearly over, lucky me! I had had a marvelous time and was fizzing with excitement about the places I'd been and the things I'd seen. Road trips, with no set schedule, are so much fun, I am already wondering where I can go for my next one. I highly recommend them.